22 lis 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

On the 4th Thursday of November we celebrate a holiday called Thanksgiving.  We spend time with our families and have big dinner.  Some of the things we traditionally eat are turkey, mashed or sweet potatoes, green beans, corn, and pumpkin pie.  We are honoring the 3 days of prayer and feasting that was held by the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians in 1621.  They built a town called Plymouth Plantation in what is now the state of Massachusetts. The pilgrims came to the new world from Holland.  They sailed on a ship called the Mayflower.  They were looking for a new place where they could practice their religion.   The Pilgrims and Indians were celebrating a good harvest and the peace between the 2 groups of people.
If you would like to learn more about the Pilgrims and the 1st Thanksgiving you can visit this website:

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