20 sty 2011

Tom and Jake

Tom rode the bus home with Jake and met his bear named Gary.  Tom went to Jake's hockey practice.  Jake showed Tom all of his toys and Wii games.  Jake took a lot of pictures with Tom, his sister, Julie, his 2 dogs Lulu and Lucy. Tom watched the Steeler football game with Jake and his parents.

Tom sat with Jake while he ate his favorite dinner of turkey and potatoes.  We went bowling.  Tom went with Jake and Julie to spend the night at his Grandparents house.  They played on the computer.  Monday there was no school because we were celebrating Martin Luther King Day. We went to eat at McDonalds with Grandma.

5 sty 2011

Spending the Holidays with Tom

Tom met my dog Snow and they liked each other.  Tom sat by my Christmas tree and he liked that too.  Tom wanted to know how soon Christmas Eve was coming because he likes seeing people and opening the presents.  We had snow on Christmas.  Tom wondered if it snowed in Poland too.  Tom was very excited about Christmas.  He even tried to open my presents.

3 sty 2011

Woody and Mrs Krystyna

Woody spent his Christmas time with Mrs Krystyna. He learned singing Polish carols.
Have a look!

He helped me to prepare Wigilia which is the traditional Christmas Eve vigil supper in Poland, held on December 24.

It was a fantastic Happy New Year! He visited the most important Lodz square – Manufaktura!

After Christmas time Woody tried to be in good form. So the best way to do it was Nordic walking!